- Heeft je kind last van bijwerkingen?
Does your child experience side effects? - Heeft je kind koorts?
Does your child have a fever? - Is je kind misselijk?
Is your child nauseous? - Is je kind slaperig?
Is your child sleepy? - Moet je kind braken?
Does your child need to vomit? - Voelt je kind zich verzwakt?
Does your child feel weak? - Heeft je kind maagpijn?
Does your child have stomach ache? - Kan je kind moeilijk stoelgang maken?
Does your child have difficulties making stool? - Heeft je kind diarree?
Does your child have diarrhoea? - Heeft je kind jeuk?
Does your child have an itch? - Heeft je kind hoofdpijn?
Does your child have a headache? - Is je kind duizelig?
Is your child dizzy? - Is je kind lusteloos?
Is your child lethargic? - Heeft je kind slaapproblemen?
Does your child have difficulties sleeping?